As Adopted Date: June 27, 2009
We, the Alumni and former students of the Booker Washington Agricultural and Industrial
Institute of Liberia, holding ever dear to our hearts our beloved Alma Mater; and remaining ever
aware of her invaluable contributions to our lives by an immortal bond between ourselves and
all aspects of life and activity of our Alma Mater by way of united and harmonious action based
on our gratitude to her, thus overwhelmed by a constant desire to contribute to her continued
development, expansion, and growth, do hereby formally organize ourselves into a National
body to be known as the Booker Washington Agricultural and Industrial Institute National
Alumni Association of North America, and bound by these Constitution and By-Laws for the
governing of ourselves and conducting our affairs and business.
Terms and Definitions
Section 1.
Terms and definitions: Wherever the following terms are used in the constitution and Bylaws, the accompany definitions apply:
A. Association: The Booker Washington Institute National Alumni Association of North America
B. Board of Advisors: The Board of Advisors of the Association
C. BWI: Booker Washington Institute
D. Constitution and bylaws: The Constitution and Bylaws of the Association
E. Local Chapters: the Local Chapters of the Association
F. Members: Members of the Association
G. Executive Officers: The President, vice president, Secretary, Chaplain, Social and Financial Secretaries
and National Historian
H. Executive Council: The Executive Council of the Association
I. Annual Convention: The Annual Convention of the Association
J. National Officers: The National Officers of the Association or Executive Officers
K. Headquarters: The National and Administrative Headquarters and of the Association
L. National: The National Association
M. President : The President of the Association
N. Vice President: The Vice President of the Association
O. Secretary: The Secretary of the Association
P. Financial Secretary: The Financial Secretary of the Association
Q. Treasurer: The Treasurer of the Association
R. Social Secretary: The Social Secretary of the Association
S. Historian: The Historian of the Association
T. Chaplain: The chaplain of the Association
U. Marshall: The Marshall of the Association
V. Meeting: A regular or special meeting of the Executive Council and members representing the Local Chapters.
The Association
Section 1 Name: The Association Shall be known as the Booker Washington Agricultural and
Industrial Institute National Alumni Association of North America
Section 2 Territory: The territory of the Association shall consist of the States of North America
Section 3 Objective: The objective of the Association shall be but not limited to the following:
[1] To encourage the development of ourselves into the highest caliber of men and women making outstanding and noteworthy contributions to our communities, as this is the primary basis on which a school is evaluated.
[2] To create a medium of intellectual and social exchange between the Alumni Association on the one hand, and student body and faculty on the other.
[3] To render assistance to deserving and less fortunate students. Assistance to faculty and staff
members will also be provided on a as needed basis.
[4] To encourage higher technological, industrial and academic standards among students of the Institute.
[5] To keep informed at all times, through the Principal, Faculty, and the BWI Alumni Association of Liberia concerning the problems of the Institute, and the possible solutions to them.
[6] To contribute financial assistance, technical skills, books, equipment and supplies,
as needed for the growth of the institute.
Section 4 Purpose and mission: The purpose of the BWI Alumni Association is to support its
alma-matter.TheMission of the Association is to organize BWI graduates, their families, Friends of BWI in North America into a supportive and resourceful Association for the benefit of Booker Washington Institute in Kakata Liberia.
Section 5
Local Chapters: the Association shall consist of local chapters in its territory as have
been or shall be accepted by the Executive Council and Members of the Association.
Section 6
Authority: The Association shall derive its constitutional authority from its Members
belonging to the local Chapters of the Association
Section 7
Membership: All graduates and former students of the Booker Washington Institute are
Automatically members of the Association.
However, active membership is based on individual participation in a local chapter.
Membership by Association may be considered and granted to spouses and immediate family
members of Alumni, former faculty members and friends of Booker Washington Institute (BWI).
All current and former full time members of the BWI faculty, BWI Administration, and Board of
International Advisors and Friends of BWI shall be members of the Association.
Membership: The membership of the Association shall also consist of the individual members of the local Chapters of the Association.
Section 8
Chapters: The Booker Washington Institute Alumni Association shall constitute chapters consisting
of all graduates, former students, and other associate members from any
state/province in North America. Such chapters will provide members in a given area
other than the National Assembly the opportunity to fully participate in the affairs and
functions of the Association.
[1] Each chapter will be required to elect its own core of officers, headed by a chapter president,
whose duties will be in keeping with the provisions made by the constitution of that chapter.
[2] Each chapter will be required to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the National
Alumni Association. Individual chapters may make rulings and laws necessary for the better
operation of their chapters. Such rules and laws are not to be contrary to the Constitution
and Bylaws of the National Association.
[3] Alumni and former students in areas where chapters do not exist because of the presence
of a fewer number of Members of the Association, former students may associate themselves
with the nearest Local Chapter in nearby states.
Section 9 National Headquarters: The National Headquarters for the BWI National Alumni Association shall Be
2 123 Rice Lane, Alanta Georgia, 12345
located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Section 10
Administrative Headquarters for the BWI National Alumni Association shall be located
in the state where the sitting National President resides.
Section 11
Official custodian of the National Headquarter: The President of the Georgia Chapter
shall be the Official Custodian of the National Head Quarters. He / She shall be
responsible accept, for the Proper distribution of all incoming communications
including Process of Service, served on the Association/Corporation,
to the appropriate National Officer(s) at the expense of the National Association.
Section 12
The name of each local chapter of the association shall be:Booker Washington Institute
National Alumni Association "Loca!' Chapter
Section 13
Official stationery: for each local chapter shall be the same as that used by the
National Association except that it shall also include the local address of the respective Chapter.
Section 1
Annual Convention meeting: The Annual Convention of the Association shall be hosted
by a Local Chapter to Be designated at Executive Council Meeting.
Section 2
Executive Council: The Executive Council shall hold a regular annual meeting to be
hosted by a local Chapter at such time and place as the executive shall designate
Section 3
Special Meeting: The Association Shall call a special meeting at such time and place as
the Executive Council shall designate. The transaction of Special Meetings shall have the
same authority as those of regular meetings. The Executive Council must call a special
meeting when the following conditions exist:
[1] When required by action of the members
[2] When at least (20%) of the members submit a petition to the President. All the
signature on such a petition must have been collected over a (30) day period
[3] When at least (20%) of the Chapters submit a request to the President.
[4] When requested by (20) of Members of the Executive Council
[5] When requested by (20%) of the Members of the Board of Advisors
Section 4
The National Annual Convention shall convene during a weekend set aside, preferably
around June 29th of each year, for the purpose of commemorating and celebrating the
legacy of the Booker Washington Institute
Section 5
Notice: Notice of the meeting shall be given by direct mail, e-mail, publication of the
Association or by means of other medium
Section 6
Agenda: The President shall solicit agenda proposals for consideration at that meeting.
The Members may Require an agenda item or items to be included on the agenda of any
subsequent meeting
[1] Sources to be solicited: The Local Chapters, The Executive Council, The
Constitution and By-Laws Committee, the Board of advisors, members of other
permanent organization.
[2] Procedure: All agenda proposals shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing, by
e-mail. The executive Council shall review all proposals and prepare the agenda of
the meeting.
[3] Distribution: Not less than (2) weeks prior to the meeting, an information package
or booklet for each meeting shall be provided to each Chapter by mail, or e-mail,
copies of the information package shall also be available for distribution at the
Administrative Headquarters and at the Meeting, to person or persons requesting it.
The information Package or Booklet shall include sufficient information to enable
each Delegate to function in a manner consistent with his/ her
responsibility and with the published purposes and agenda of the meeting, including,
but not limited to the following:
(a) The Agenda.
(b) A statement concerning the organization and procedures of the Meeting, and
minutes of all Special Meetings, if any, held since the last Regular or Special
Meeting and the responsibilities of the Delegates.
(c) A list of all Delegates, and the Chapter or other Association entity present.
(d) Minutes of the previous regular Meeting, and minutes of all Special Meeting, if any,
held since the last regular meeting, as reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee.
(e) Current financial statements of the Association.
(f) A copy of the Constitution and Bylaws under which the Meeting is called.
(g) A copy to any proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws.
(h) A copy of the Association Rules of Order.
Section 7
Representation: During all Meetings, the members of the Association shall be
represented in the following manner:
[1] Delegates: The following shall be delegates with full voice designate number of
(a) Each Chapter shall be entitled to (5) votes or as designated
(b) All Executive Council Members
(c) All officers of Local Chapters\
(d) All National Officers
(e) All members of the Board of advisors
(f) All Lay Members
[2] Advisors: The Following shall be invited as non-voting members:
(a) Such other persons as may be recommended by the General Assembly, Executive Council,
Board of advisors, and Local Chapters.
(b) All Elected officers of Sister Associations
(c) All Members of the Staff of BWI, it Trustees, Officers and Students
(d) Members of the Community
[3] Observers: As space permit, non-delegate members of the Association and member of other
organizations may be present as observers but shall have no voice or voting rights.
Section 8 Organization: All Meetings shall be organized in the following ways:
[1] Chairman: The President of the Association shall conduct all Meeting called by the
Association through the Executive Council, The Board of advisors or entity of the
[2] The President shall appoint a Marshall whose duties shall be but not limited to:
(a) Manage the time schedule of the meeting agenda
(b) Imposing fines for protocol violation
[3] The National Secretary shall be the recorder of the Meetings
(a) The Secretary shall make Roll Call
(b) Take minutes of the Meeting
(c) Distribute meeting material to the delegates
(e) The Secretary shall arrange for the proceedings of each meeting to be recorded as required,
to provide a permanent record of the meeting and to disseminate Meeting Materials to
Chapters in good standing with the Association not represented at Scheduled Meeting.
(f) The Sectary shall make every effort to accommodate The California Chapter in providing an
audio and video recording of the Executive Council Meetings sites that are too remote to
Section 9
Responsibilities: Meeting participants and voting Convention Delegates shall
[1] Elect National Officers of the Association and Member(s) of the Constitution and Bylaws
[2] Vote on issues as required by the Constitution and Bylaws
[3] Transact all other business which may properly come before a meeting and as more specifically
set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.
[4] Each local chapter must present an annual written report to the National Association through
the National President prior to the start of each Annual Convention.
Section 10 Quorum: A majority of the Chapters, including the National President or National Vice
President and two other elected officers, shall constitute a quorum for any duly called
meeting of the Association in keeping with the Constitution.
Section 1 The organizational structure of the Association shall consist of the following
(d) Constitution and Bylaws Committee
The National Assembly
Section 1 National Assembly: shall be the policy-making body of BWI Alumni Association. It
shall meet annually during the National Annual Convention weekend at a place to be
voted upon at the previous meeting. Chapters, which have paid their annual assessments,
shall be entitled to five votes each. Decisions by the National Assembly shall be made by
a majority of members present and eligible to vote through their respective chapters.
The Executive Council
Section 1 Election: the Executive Council Members shall be the elected National and Local
Officers and the elected lay Members shall be elected from the floor of the convention by
the Delegates
Section 2 Composition: The Executive Council: shall consist of all duly elected National Officers,
Past National Presidents, and Chapter Presidents from all Chapters in good standing and
one lay member from each Local Chapter.
Section 3 The National Vice President shall automatically become a member of the Executive
Council upon leaving office at the end of his/her term of office. The departing Vice
President shall serve on the Executive council only for a two (2) year term.
Section 4 Responsibilities: The Executive Council shall execute the policies and programs of the
National Assembly, and shall meet at least twice annually. The Executive Council may
also develop and propose new programs and policies for approval by the National
Assembly. The Council shall oversee all activities of the Association. It shall formulate
and determine the execution of the Association policies and programs. It may enter into
contracts on behalf of the Association. It may delegate any portion of its responsibilities
as it deem proper. The Executive Council shall be the policy-making body of the BWI
Section 5 The Executive Council shall always review and implement policies that will provide
needed assistance to members of the association who are resident in North America.
Section 6 Meetings: The Executive Council shall meet at least twice annually, but may meet as
many times as necessary as may be determined by the National President, the Executive
Council, the Association and its members.
The Board of Advisors
Section 1 Election: The members of the Board shall be elected by petition from The Executive
Council and at the Annual Convention, Executive Council Meeting and any regularly
called meeting. All Board candidates Must be approved by the Executive Council by
three fourth (3/4) of the members present.
Section 2 Composition: the Board of Advisors shall consist of prominent individuals including
non-Liberians who are friends of BWI and Liberia, Liberian Professionals and Alumni
of BWI. The Board shall unction as an independent organ of the association and shall
provide leadership and direction to the association. The sitting National President of the
BWI National Alumni Association shall be a member of the Board.
Section 3 Membership make-up: The Board shall consist of eleven (11) members including the
sitting National President of the association. The remaining ten (10) members must be a
graduates of BWI, Liberians or Friends / Supporters of BWI and of Liberia.
[1] Initially, the members of the Board shall be selected as follow:
(a) Six recommendations by the national president;
(b) Five recommendations from members of the Executive Council; Approval of all candidates
by the Executive Council.
[2] Current members of the Executive Council shall be ineligible for membership to the Board of Advisors.
Exception is made for the National President. In the event that a serving member of the Executive
Council is appointed to the Board, he / she must immediately resign his / her membership on the
Executive Council.
[3] Members of the Board shall be appointed by the Executive Council. Appointments will be
based on recommendations / nominations from members of the Executive Council and current
members of the Board of Advisors.
Section 4 Responsibilities: The responsibilities and duties of the Board of Advisors shall include
but not limited to:
[1] Render advice to the association and its national officers;
[2] Provide leadership and direction to the association;
[3] Solicit funding on behalf of the national association for BWI;
[4] Work on special projects like:
(a) Writing grants
(b) Conducting research
(c) Establishing relationships with foundations, universities, government agencies and non governmental agencies.
(d) Solicit materials, books, equipment, and technical assistance for BWI
(e) Serve as a watch team over the operation of the association and its financial activities
Section 5 Term of Office: Members of the Board shall serve for a period of four (4) years and
may be reappointed for a maximum of two terms or eight (8) years.
[1] Rules: The Board shall establish its own rules and select its own leadership structure.
[2] Qualification: Must be BWI graduate who is an active member of the Association and has
made significant contributions to uplifting the aims and objectives of the Association.
[3] Must be friend / supporter of BWI, i.e. university president, educator, community leaders and
professional and, business leader, etc.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
Section 1 Election and Term of office: The term of office of the members of the committee shall be
for two (4) years and be elected from the floor at the Annual Convention by two three-
fourth (3/4) of the Delegates present. No member shall be elected for more than two (2)
consecutive terms.
Section 2 Composition: The Committee shall consist of seven (7) members. The Members shall be
President of Local Chapters, former Chapter Presidents, former National Officers and
former members of other Departments.
Section 3 Organization and Meeting(s): The Committee shall elect its Officer(s), such as Chairman,
Vice Chairman and Secretary. The Committee shall meet at least once a year but may
meet as many times as is deemed necessary by the Chairman of the Committee.
Section 4 Responsibilities and Report: The responsibilities of the Committee shall include, but not
limited to:
[1] Responsibilities: The Committee shall review the constitution and Bylaws of the
Association and the governing documents of all other permanent organizations
authorized by the Constitution and Bylaws, for the purpose of proposing such
amendment(s) as it considers appropriate. The Committee shall also serve as the
Bylaws Committee of all other permanent organizations authorized by the
Constitution and the Bylaws. The Committee shall serve as the sole interprete of all
of these documents between meetings. The Committee shall also consider requests
for amendment(s) submitted to it, in writing, by Members of the Association and any
concern party of the Association.
[2] Responsibilities: As a key responsibility of this Committee, it shall be the final
arbiter of Constitutional crisis and controversies involving, but not limited to
election issues and the Constitution and Bylaws..
[3] Report: The Committee shall present a summary report of all proposals for
amendment(s) it considers appropriate to the Executive Council and to the
Members of the Association for approval or votes. The Amendment(s) and
Proposal(s) shall be submitted to the Executive Council and Members of the
Association for approval and vote(s) no later than sixty days before the meeting
at which these amendment(s) and proposal(s) are to be voted upon
Article 9
Section 1 National Officers of the Association: shall be the following: President, Vice President,
Executive Secretary, Social Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain,
Historian, Assistant Historian.
Duties of Officers
Section 1 NATIONAL PRESIDENT: All executive and administrative powers of the Association
shall be vested in the National President. He shall attend and preside over all meetings of
the Association, National Assembly and the Executive Council. He shall appoint
committees, enforce the observance of law and order among members, in case of
emergency order the withdrawal of money from the Treasury for the benefit of the
Association in consultation with the Executive Council and he/she shall defend and
enforce the Constitution and By-Laws. He/she shall deliver an annual report on the state
of affairs of the Association to the National Assembly during the National Annual
Convention, and shall perform all other duties pertaining to that office. He/she shall be
vested with the power to convene emergency meetings, when necessary. (Example of
Emergencies i.e. short notice on travel, bereavement. Dollar amount will depend on the
type of emergencies.) The President shall also be the principal representative of the
Association and:
(a) Acts as an Ex-officio member of all committees except the Constitution and Bylaws
Committee and the Nominating Committee
(b) Meet with the Principal/President of the Booker Washington Institute or his represenatative
at least once every two years or as chairman of a committee to meet with the Principal/
President or leadership of The Booker Washington Administration when such meeting is held
in the Territory of the Association as many times as may be determined by the Association,
Executive Council, Members of the Association or other authorized body of the Association.
(c) The President shall appoint replacement officers to fill unexpired terms in the case of
resignation, death, or disability with two-third approval votes of those present at the
Executive Council Meeting
Section 2 NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT: It shall be the duty of the National Vice President to
assist theNational President when necessary. All powers of the National President shall
evolve upon the National Vice President, in the absence of the National President. In the
case of the resignation, impeachment, inability, or death of the National President, the
National Vice President shall assume the duties of the National President and fill the
Vacancy thus created, pending the next election of officers of this Association. He/she
shall be chairperson ex-officio of all committees of the Association.
Section 3 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: It shall be the duties of National Executive
Secretary to record and compile accurately, all minutes of meetings, prepare all
communications and correspondence of the Association brought to his/her attention.
He/she shall keep accurate account/ record of all communications, and shall keep
duplicate copies of all correspondence made by him/her in the interest of the Association.
He/she shall take attendance at all meetings, keep an accurate roster of all members and
chapters, and also cite members, or chapters at meetings of the Association upon
authorization by National President, or the National Vice President, in the absence of the
National President.
Section 4 NATIONAL SOCIAL SECRETARY: It shall be the duties of the National Social
Secretary to plan, arrange and execute all programs, meetings and social functions of the
Association. He/she shall serve as the Master of Ceremonies for all social functions and
programs. The National Social Secretary shall head the Social Affairs Committee, whose
plans and proposals shall be subject to the approval of the National Executiv Council.
Section 5 NATIONAL FINANCIAL SECRETARY: It shall be the duties of the National
Financial Secretary to collect all monies and valuables of the Association, and turn all
such monies and valuables over to the National Treasurer. He/she shall issue all vouchers
in the interest of the Association, by orders of the National President, signed by the
National Financial Secretary and countered signed by the National President. He/she shall
make a financial report at each regular meeting, and whenever the National Executive
Council deems a report necessary.
Section 6 NATIONAL TREASURER: It shall be the duties of the National Treasurer to receive
all funds and valuables of the Alumni Association from the National Financial Secretary,
issue him / her a receipt and deposit same with a bank designated by the Association, and
shall obtain receipts in triplicate copies from the bank, one being for the National
Financial Secretary. He/she shall issue checks only upon a voucher prepared by the
National Financial Secretary and the National President. The checks shall also be counter
signed by the National President. He/she shall make a financial report at all Executive
Council Meetings, at all National Conventions and whenever the National Executive
Council deems such report necessary.
Section 7 NATIONAL CHAPLAIN: It shall be the duties of the National Chaplain to conduct all
religious exercises of the Association, head all visiting committees, and all other
functions pertaining to deaths, funerals, burials, and shall express sympathy on behalf of
the Association to bereave families during bereavements.
Section 8 NATIONAL HISTORIAN - The National Historian is responsible for compiling and
publishing all texts, programs, souvenirs, newsletters and other publications of the
Association. The National Historian shall also serve as guarantor of the National
Association's Constitution and Bylaws. He / She shall ensure that the constitution and
Bylaws are observed and followed at all times. The Historian shall keep an up-to-date
copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and have it at meetings that are not conducted by
electronic means.
Section 9 Assistant National Historian who shall work very closely with the National Historian. The
Assistant National Historian shall be recommended by the National Historian to and for
approval by the Executive Council meeting in its regular session(s). ARTICLE 11
Section 1 Elections: The members of the Association shall elect its National Officers by a majority
vote of Members present at the Annual National Convention Assembly. All Elections
shall be conducted by the Election Committee/Commission of the Association and
conducted under it set guidelines approved by majority vote by the Association.
[1] All National Officers of the Association shall be elected at the National Convention by
secret ballot, and shall serve a term of two (2) years except the National Historian, who shall be elected
to serve a term of four (4) years.
[2] All National Officers of the Association shall be permitted /elected to serve consecutive terms of
office. However, no National Officer shall be permitted to serve more than two consecutive
terms of office with.
[3] Members of the Constitution Committee shall be elected by the Delegates from the floor of the
[3] The positions of President and Vice President of the Association are opened to BWI graduates
only. All other positions are opened to graduates, former students and all other members of the
[4] The National President shall appoint and recommend a National Elections Committee for approval to the
Executive Council. The Executive Council shall act on said appointment at it regularly scheduled Winter
Meeting, prior to a scheduled election. The approved Elections Committee shall communicate all
elections requirements and information to all register chapters in good standing; and shall conduct all
elections in keeping with this constitution & Bylaws.
Section 2 Candidate(s): Candidate(s) for national officer vacancies must declare candidacy through
the election committee and in compliance with the rules of the election committee.
[1] All candidates must run as a team of candidates and all Candidates on a ticket must be
present for a ticket to Participate in voting.
[2] If any member of a ticket is absent at the election, he/she must be replaced on the
ticket and no Candidate will be elected while absent at the Convention.
[3] All persons seeking national office must be in good standing with his/ her local chapter, they
must be recommended by their respective local chapters, and they must have attended no less
than two National Annual Conventions.
Section 3 Voting: Any member/Chapter in good standing will have the right to vote in elections. Any
Chapter who is denied the privilege/right to vote or member who is denied to vote within a
Chapter, shall have the right to appeal that denial to the National Convention by submitting
such claim through the National Vice President /Constitution and Bylaws Committee.
[1] All National Elections and voting shall be based on chapter votes only. Each Chapter in good
standing shall be allowed to cast five votes in unanimity only. For every issue or candidate, each
Chapter will be allowed to deliberate and vote amongst their Chapter members prior to casting
their Chapter's votes in unanimity only and not as divided votes.
Section 4 Installation: Installation of National Officers shall be held during National Annual Conventions
and shall be conducted in the following manner:
[1] The Installing officer shall install all officers of the Association with the following oath:
(a) "I , (name of person) do solemnly swear or affirm that I will do to the best of my ability, to
faithfully perform the duties of (position/ Office) and defend and uphold the Constitution and
Bylaws of the BWI National Alumni Association, so help me God."
Section 4 Installation: The National Executive Council at its regular Winter Meeting prior to a
scheduled election shall elect/SELECT the Installing officer.
Section 1 Annual Sitting Fees: Each chapter shall be assessed an annual fee. The amount of the
assessment shall be made by the Executive Council during any regularly scheduled
meeting. Any new assessment must require a minimum grace period of six months prior
to being made effective.
Section 2 All remittance to the Association shall be entrusted to the National Treasurer. He/she shall
be the custodian of all monies and other valuables of the Association and shall disburse
funds in accordance with duly authorized vouchers. With the approval of the National
Executive Council, he/she shall establish a bank account with a recognized bank in the
United States in the name of the Association. He/she shall submit to the Executive
Council, a financial summary of receipts and disbursements during the regular meetings.
Section 3 If called upon, the National Treasurer shall forward to the members of the Association an
itemized statement of all expenditures. The Books of the Association shall be audited by
the Auditing Committee and reported at the Executive Council meeting. In the case of
discrepancies, the Association shall employ the services of an Independent Auditor.
Section 4 Each member shall be assessed an annual membership fee established by the Executive
Council. Said membership shall entitle a member to a membership card and to all rights and
privileges of the Association as an active member. The annual membership due shall be paid
in addition to convention package fees and collected prior to or at each Annual Convention.
Failure to present such card at meetings, social functions or any activity of the Association,
shall debar him/her from participating.
Section 5 All expenditures, transactions or request for funds must be approved by the National
President prior to disbursement of funds and must be in keeping with approved budget by
the Executive Council.
Section 6 The National President and other executive officers must review all financial reports before
it is made public by the National Financial Secretary.
Section 1 Death of Member: In the event of death of a regular due paying member of any registered
Chapter,each chapter including the home chapter of the deceased, must make a mandatory
donation of no less than $50.00 to the National Association to be forwarded to the family of
the deceased. The home chapter and all other chapters are free to make other donations or
gestures as they deem appropriate. Information about the death of the member must be
officially communicated from the home chapter to the National Chaplain and the home
chapter must certify that the deceased was a member in good standing.
Section 2 Death of in-active Member: In the event of the death of a graduate or former student who
is not a member of Any registered chapter or not listed in the rooster of the National
Association, members or local chapters shall be free to make voluntary donations as they
deem appropriate. There shall be no official presentation from the National Association.
Section 3 Bereavement: In the event of a bereavement of any member in good standing, it shall be
the responsibility of the local chapter to respond to that bereavement. The local chapter
must however officially notify the National Association, through the National Chaplain.
All members and chapters are free to express individual or chapter sympathies they deem
appropriate. The National President through the National Chaplain shall exercise his/he
discretion as to what shall constitute an appropriate expression of sympathy in such a
Section 1 There shall be three standing committees of the Association. The committees shall be as
follows: R. Vanjah Richards Fund Committee, F. Amadu Sirleaf Scholarship Committee,
and PublicityCommittee. There shall also be three revolving committees, namely:
Committee on Audits,'Committee on Programs and Entertainment and Elections
Section 2 It shall be the duties of the Publicity Committee to compile and publish all news in a
regular news bulletin of the Association, to publish announcements and advertise all
meetings, programs or other functions of the Association as they may be requested to. The
National Historian shall provide supervision over this committee in keeping with
responsibilities of the National Historian defined in the constitution.
Section 1 The National Annual Convention shall be planned and executed in accordance with the
National Convention Management Manual.
Dress Code
Section 1 The dress code for the National Convention shall be decided at each Fall Executive
Council meeting prior to the convention. The dress code must however include any
combination of the colors of blue,red and white.
Section 1 Any elected officer shall be subject to impeachment if he or she fails to measure up to
specified qualification and or general requirements of their position as set forth in this
Constitution. Other reasons for impeachment shall include the following:
[1] Gross neglect of duty and ineffectiveness;
[2] Using the association's finances for purposes other than authorized by the Executive
[3] Deception, misuse of office and misrepresentation in any form.
Section 2 Any National Officer shall be subject to impeachment for any of the above reasons by a
simple majority vote of the Executive Council. Upon conviction, said officer shall be
removed from office by a two third vote of the National Assembly.
Section 3 Lawsuits or court proceedings, including criminal and / or Civil charges shall be filed
against any
officer who steals, or use the Association finances for his / her personal gain. The association shall
pay for all legal fees on said suit.
Constitution and Bylaws
Section 1 General Requirement: All provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws shall be in harmony
with policy of the Association
Section 10 Amendment: This Constitution and Bylaws, or any portion thereof, may be amended by a
two-third majority vote of the members present and voting at any regular meeting at which
a majority of the Chapters who are in good standing are present; provided that the
amendment to be acted upon has been officially declared in not less than thirty days prior
to the said meeting, to be studied and provided further that the said amendment has been
received by the various chapters of the Association.
[1] Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be proposed to and at any meeting
only by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.
[2] If it is proposed to amend the Constitution and Bylaws at any meeting, notice of such
intent shall be given and the text of such proposed amendment(s) shall be included in the
agenda materials provided to all Chapters and Delegates to that meeting
Section 1 Upon the winding or dissolution of the Association, the assets remaining after the payment
of debts shall be distributed to such Corporation, Community Chest, fund, or foundation,
organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public
safety, literary or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or
animals, which would then qualify under the provision of Section 501 (c) (3) of the
Internal Revenue Code, as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, by the
Section 2 No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of any private
shareholder or individual and no substantial part of the activities of the Association shall
be carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the
Association shall not participate in or intervene in political campaign on behalf of any
candidate for public Office.
Section 1 Miscellaneous:
[1] No local chapter shall break-away from the association and risk severe sanctions by
so doing. Sanction will be determined and imposed by the executive council.
Sanctions may include but not limited to the following penalties upon rejoining the
(a) payment of all annual sitting fees for duration of the break-away period
(b) payment of fines
(c) payment of minimum of five convention package per absent from National Convention
(d) Readmitted Chapter and its Members will not participate in the first election upon return and
readmission to the association by a Break-Away Chapter. Break-Away Chapter Members shall not vote
nor run for any Office in their first election upon return to the Association.
[2] Break- away of any local chapter shall put such chapter in breach of this constitution and
shall cause such chapter serious sanctions for any such breach.
Section 2 Governance, Authority and Responsibility: All individuals responsible for the governance of the
Association shall act in harmony with the Constitution and Bylaws, with the actions of the members
and delegate.
Section 3 Indemnification: The Association shall indemnify any person (and his/her executor, administrator,
And/or heirs) who is serving or has served as a member of the Executive Council, as an
officer of the Association or as a chairperson of a committee, Association and /or service
of the Association, against reasonable expenses (including, but not limited to, judgments,
cost and legal fees) actually and necessarily incurred by him/her in connection with the
defense of any litigation, action, suit or proceeding, civil, criminal or administrative, to
which he/she may have been a party by reason of being or having been a member of the
Executive Council, an officer of the Association, and/or service of the Association, except
that he/she have no right to reimbursement for matters in which he/she has been adjudge
liable to the Association for negligence or misconduct in the performance of his/her
duties. The right of indemnification shall be in addition to, and not exclusive of, all other
rights to which such member of the Executive Council, officer of the Association, or
Chairperson of a Committee, association and/or service of the Association may be
Section 4 No one chapter shall have a monopoly over the assets of the association. Efforts must be
made to ensure the association assets are appropriately distributed within various states
where chapters are located.
Section 5 The original constitution written by Mr. Alexander M. Massey, Chairperson, NYINJ
Mr. H. Hugo Evans, Vice Chairperson, RI Chapter,
Mr. S. Eugene Watkins, GA Chapter,
Ms. Mona K.Stubblefield, GA Chapter,
Ms. Kathleen P. Cole, NYINJ Chapter,
and Mr. Ernest D.Anderson, NY Chapter, and all subsequent amendments shall become null and void.
• Arthur K. Watson, Sr., Past National President, National Historian, Constitution
Committee Chairman, New Jersey Chapter
• Doris Railey, Past National VP, Member, Georgia Chapter
• Henry Harmon, Chapter President, Member, Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter
• Zachariah White, Past National President, Member, California Chapter
• H. Hugo Evans, Past National President, Member, Rhode Island Chapter
Emmanuel A. Lawrence, Past National President, Member, New Jersey Chapter
Emmet Fiawoo, First National Secretary, member, DC Chapter
Reviewed & Adopted: Date:______________________ Place:_______________________________
Review and amended by Constitution And Bylaws Committee
Dr. David A. Deranamie, Esq. Chairman, MA Chapter
Mrs. Margaret Toweh, Vice Chairperson, MN Chapter
Mr. Henry F. Charyoe, Secretary, NY Chapter
Mr. David S. Ballah, Sr. Member, RI Chapter
Mrs. Foudiya Henri, Member, SW Chapter
Dr. Joe Isaac, Member DC Chapter
Mrs. Danlette Norris, Member, RI Chapter,
Mr. Asu Pelima Member, Great Lake Chapter
Amendment Reviewed and Adopted:
Date: June 27, 2009 Place: Providence, Rhode Island Convention
Terms and Definitions
Section 1. Terms and definitions: Wherever the following terms are used in the constitution and Bylaws,
the accompany definitions apply:
A. Annual Convention: The Annual Convention of the Association
B. Association: The Booker Washington Institute
C. Board of Advisors
D. Bylaws: The Bylaws of the Association
E. BWI: Booker Washington Institute
F. Corporation: Booker Washington Institute National Association of North America
G. Constitution and Bylaws The Constitution of the Association
H. Constitution and Bylaws Committee
I. Executive Council: The Executive Council of the Association
J. Executive Officers: The President, vice president, Secretary, Chaplain, Social and Financial
Secretaries and National Historian
K. Local Chapter: Local Chapter of the Association
L. Meeting: Meeting of the Members of the Association
M. Members: Members of the Association
N. National Officers: The National Officers of the Association or Executive Officers
O. Headquarters: The National and Administrative Headquarters and of the Association
P. National: The National Association
Q. Seal: The Seal of the Association
The Corporation
Section 1 Name: The Corporation Shall be known as the Booker Washington Agricultural and
Industrial Institute National Alumni Association of North America
Article 3
Section 1 The particular object for which this Corporation is formed is set forth in the Article of
Principal Office
Section 1 The Principal Offices for the transaction of the Business of the Corporation is located at:
Section 2 National Headquarters: The National Headquarters for the BWI National Alumni
Association shall be 2 123 Rice Lane, Alanta Georgia, 12345 BWI NATIONAL
ALUMNI ASSOC. OF NORTH AMERICA located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Section 3 Administrative Headquarters for the BWI National Alumni Association shall be located
in the state where the sitting National President resides.
Article 5
Section 7 Membership: All graduates and former students of the Booker Washington Institute are
automatically members of the Association. However, active membership is based on
individual participation in a local chapter. Membership by Association may be
considered and granted to spouses and immediate family members of Alumni, former
faculty members and friends of Booker Washington Institute (BWI). All present and
former full time members of the faculty , BWI Administration, and Board of
International Advisors and Friends of BWI shall be members of the Association.
Article 6
National Officers
Section 1 National Officers of the Association: shall be the National President, National Vice
President, National Executive Secretary, National Social Secretary, National Financial
Secretary, National Treasurer; National Chaplain; National Historian and Assistant
National Historian.
Duties of Officers
Section 1 The duties of the Officers of the Association shall be such as usually pertain to such
officers respectively,And such other duties as the Constitution and Bylaws, Executive
Council and the Board of Advisors prescribe. The President and Secretary or Treasurer
shall, on behalf of the Association, sign all deeds, mortgages, Power of Attorney or other
instruments of writing of similar character and import.
Section 1 The Seal of the Association shall consist of a complete replication of the Seal of the
Booker Washington Agricultural and Industrial Institute in Kakata Liberia and is
described as follow:
Section 1 The Association shall hold a regular meeting of the Members in conjunction with each
regular meeting of the Association. The Association shall hold Special meeting of the
members in conjunction with a special meeting of the Association, the necessity for such
meeting shall be determined solely at the discretion of the Executive Council.
Section 2 Every Regular and Special meeting of the Association shall be called by the Executive
Council. Notice Of all Meeting of the Association shall be published in conjunction with
notices of other entities of the Association.
Section 3 Meetings of the Executive Council shall be at such time and places as the Council may
select. Special Meetings of the Executive Council shall be held at the call of the President,
or by written request of the members or other entities of the Association. Notice of all
meetings of the Association, the Executive Council, the Board of Advisors or other
entities of the Association shall be published by written of printed notice signed by the
Secretary of the Association and disseminated by Mail or internet.
Section 4 A majority of the Members for a Meeting of the Association shall constitute a quorum to
transact Any business at any duly called meeting of the Association. Once a meeting of
the Association is declared open, the Members present shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business.
Section 5 Annual Convention meeting: The Annual Convention of the Association shall be hosted
by a Local Chapter to Be designated at Executive Council Meeting.
Section 6 Executive Council Meeting: The Executive Council shall hold a regular annual meeting to
be hosted by a local Chapter at such time and place as the Executive Council shall
Section 7 Special Meeting: The Association Shall call a special meeting at such time and place as
the Executive Council shall designate. The transaction of Special Meetings shall have the
same authority as those of regular meetings.
Section 1 Indemnification: The Association shall indemnify any person (and his/her executor, administrator,
And/or heirs) who is serving or has served as a member of the Executive Council, as an
officer of the Association or as a chairperson of a committee, Association and /or service
of the Association, against reasonable expenses (including, but not limited to, judgments,
cost and legal fees) actually and necessarily incurred by him/her in connection with the
defense of any litigation, action, suit or proceeding, civil, criminal or administrative, to
which he/she may have been a party by reason of being or having been a member of the
Executive Council, an officer of the Association, and/or service of the Association,
except that he/she have no right to reimbursement for matters in which he/she has been
adjudge liable to the Association for negligence or misconduct in the performance of
his/her duties.
Section 2 The right of indemnification shall be in addition to, and not exclusive of, all other rights to
which such Member of the Executive Council, officer of the Association, or Chairperson
of a Committee, association and/or service of the Association may be entitled.
Section 1 The Association may be dissolved by the Members. Dissolution, merger, or division of the
Association May be proposed to the Members only by the Executive Council when, in its
judgments, such an action is appropriate. Such action shall require the consent of three-
fourth (3/4) of the Members. If it is proposed to dissolve, merge, or divide the
Association at a meeting of the Association, notice of such intent shall be given in the call
for that meeting. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, any funds remaining after all claims have been satisfied, and/or other physical assets, shall be transferred to the
Members or Chapters.
Section 1 These Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Members present at any
meeting of The Association, when the proposed amendment does not conflict with the
articles of incorporation of the Association. When it is proposed to change the Bylaws at
any meeting of the Members, notice shall be given to this effect in the call of the
meeting, and the nature of the proposed amendment shall be stated.
Section 2 The Constitution and Bylaws Committee of the Association shall be the Bylaws
Committee of the Association and shall be responsible for proposing all amendments to
these Bylaws to the Members.
Section 1 The original constitution written by Mr. Alexander M. Massey, Chairperson, NYINJ
Mr. H. Hugo Evans, Vice Chairperson, RI Chapter,
Mr. S. Eugene Watkins, GA Chapter,
Ms. Mona K.Stubblefield, GA Chapter,
Ms. Kathleen P. Cole, NYINJ Chapter, and
Mr. Ernest D.Anderson, NY Chapter, and all subsequent amendments shall become null and void.
• Arthur K. Watson, Sr., Past National President, National Historian, Constitution
Committee Chairman, New Jersey Chapter
• Doris Railey, Past National VP, Member, Georgia Chapter
• Henry Harmon, Chapter President, Member, Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter
• Zachariah White, Past National President, Member, California Chapter
• H. Hugo Evans, Past National President, Member, Rhode Island Chapter
Emmanuel A. Lawrence, Past National President, Member, New Jersey Chapter
Emmet Fiawoo, First National Secretary, member, DC Chapter
Reviewed & Adopted: Date:______________________ Place:_______________________________
Review and amended by Constitution and Bylaws Committee:
Cllr. David A. Deranamie, Esq. Chairman, MA Chapter
Mrs. Margaret Toweh, Vice Chairperson, MN Chapter
Mr. Henry F. Charyoe, Secretary, NY Chapter
Mr. David S. Ballah, Member, RI. Chapter
Mrs. Foudiya Henri, Member, SW Chapter
Dr. Joe Isaac, Member DC Chapter
Mrs. Danlette Norris, Member, RI Chapter
Mr. Asu Pelima Member, Great Lake Chapter
Amendment Reviewed and Adopted:
Date: June 27, 2009 Place: Providence, Rhode Island Convention